
Greetings, Adventurer!
Welcome to my blog.

My name is Maxim. I created this website to help you (and me) travel more. I have a pretty normal life in Ohio, but I like to go off traveling as much as I can. That's when I get to be a temporary adventurer! I'm a huge nerd for things like music, history, nature, and culture. If you'd like to travel more and find your own adventures, read on.

Coming Soon: The Tale of this Blog

It’s a short story. I started my first blog in 2020, during the global pandemic. Not an ideal time to launch into travel writing honestly.

Now, I’m starting this website to help people go on more adventures.  It’s one thing to read about faraway places or see them in a movie, but the reality way cooler. Life happens when you step out your front door and get outside your comfort zone.